The start of bentonite extraction in the southern part of the Kremnica Mountains dates back to the 1970s. REGOS s.r.o. has conducted geological surveys of bentonites in this area from 2006 to the present. The results of geological surveys with a calculation of deposits of bentonites were ratified by the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic in 2010 and 2016. These deposits are a part of the state balance of mineral deposits, which are the property of the Slovak Republic.
Given the complicated administrative, legislative and environmental processes in the use of minerals and with the permitting of mining activities, we began mining bentonites only in 2012.
At the same time we emphasize with pride that our company is the only mining company in Slovakia that mines bentonite on the basis of performed assessments of the environmental impact of the mining and on the basis of conditions of the approved final position of the Slovak Ministry of the Environment.
Protection of nature and the landscape, equally as protection of raw minerals as non-renewable natural resources, which are part of state property, are incorporated into the legal system of the Slovak Republic. None of the mentioned interests is more paramount than the others. State authorities permit the protection of nature and the extraction of minerals on the basis of an approved state environmental policy of permanently sustainable development, state raw materials policies and valid legal provisions.
Minimizing the impacts of extraction and the protection of the natural environment and that of residents of the region is a priority and a component of our company culture, which is included in the system of managing the company.